Alpha Preparatory School

  1. Curriculum and Clubs
  2. Curriculum
  3. Wellbeing at Alpha

Welbeing Statement 2022 – 2023


At Alpha Preparatory School we promote a culture of care and concern which demands that everybody accepts responsibility for their own and others’ wellbeing. Areas of risk to mental health are identified so that they can be minimised and managed appropriately and children and adults are encouraged to talk actively about their wellbeing. Training is provided for staff giving them the tools to manage pupils, and their own, mental health with support given by the Pastoral Department when required.


Children have access to PHSEE and wellbeing sessions, therapy workshops and assemblies, which enables them to have open and free discussions about key issues. This ensures that mental health problems are identified early and appropriate support is provided through our Pastoral Department. All staff know the importance of mental health awareness.

Thrice yearly surveys, carried out via Edukit, ensure every child is considered, and those who are identified through analysis of the surveys, attend weekly sessions with a School Mentor.

The computing curriculum provides pupils with modern skills within technology including e-safety awareness, ensuring they understand what to do if they are bullied on-line. The school also has an anti-bullying policy.

There are comprehensive safeguarding procedures in place.  Children are aware of who they can go to if they have any concerns.

All children participate in our weekly timetabled wellbeing sessions, which gives them a deeper understanding of themselves, their emotions and feelings.  Strategies are also provided in these sessions, helping pupils to deal with any anxieties they are, or may, experience in the future.


Children enjoy coming to school and are engaged in their learning. They have mutual trust, respect and support.

Pupil questionnaires demonstrate pupils feel safe and well cared for in school. They identify who can help them and who they can speak to if they need support.

Children have access to 1:1 mentoring sessions to help them overcome anxieties or to discuss any problems they are experiencing.  Members of staff continue to support pupils during their time at school.

In addition, staff members also know who they can speak to if they are struggling with their own mental health.